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IT Contract Management Software

Managing IT contracts for services and projects is simplified by TrackerSuite.Net software, with an array of tools for tracking and managing contracts, important dates and activities,

The integrated structure of TrackerSuite.Net applications simplifies the management of IT and contracts, with its modules for Web based project management software (Project Tracker.Net) and CRM (Customer Tracker.Net).

Some of the typical issues organizations face when using a paper based IT contract management process include:

  • Lost or misfiled contracts, and the potential legal repercussions.
  • Securing documents from unauthorized changes.
  • Searching and compiling data for reports on revenue, renewals and cancellations.
  • Tracking important dates, particularly contract expirations.
  • Managing activities related to the contract.
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TrackerSuite.Net resolves these difficulties by providing a central, secure online environment for contract forms, making it easy to search and pull up contract information as well as providing views and reports that simplify the review and evaluation of contracts.


Tying Costs to Project Work
Within TrackerSuite.Net, projects and tasks are assigned account codes. These account codes allow organizations to identify and separate work effectively, including capital from non-capital labor, or research and development activities for R&D tax credit capture. When an employee completes a timesheet, expense report or purchase order, the labor or expenditures are tied directly to these account codes by line item.
Ensuring that Incurred Costs are Authorized
All timesheets, expense reports and purchase orders are automatically routed through the approval process, with activity logs recording the time and date of every form activity, from creation through approval and final processing, with the electronic signature of the responsible party. TrackerSuite.Net supports proxy approval workflows in case of absences, as well as multiple approval workflows for purchase requests based on purchase type, department rules and spending limits.
Tracking Costs in a Timely Manner
Within TrackerSuite.Net, project managers and executives are a click away from viewing current project budget and cost data. Managers and administrators can take advantage of administrative views of all timesheets, purchase orders and expense reports in the system and their status. The Tracker Data Warehouse, a Web based reporting engine, provides real time reports including Budget vs. Actual and Activity Ledgers, based on date pushed from the other TrackerSuite.Net modules.
Weighing the Cost of a Project
Project Tracker.Net provides useful earned value management tools and views, which executives and managers can leverage to track and identify planned/actual variances in project cost and schedules, as well as estimate to complete, a value that forecasts the costs required to complete a project or task, based on existing planned value, earned value and actual cost data.

For More Information

For more information about TrackerSuite.Net and its ability to facilitate project cost management, please contact Automation Centre today at (520) 882-9287, or email

Automation Centre is also pleased to offer a free demo of TrackerSuite.Net, which includes its applications for project management, time and expense reporting, purchasing, payment requests, personnel management, support services and more. Interested parties may register for immediate access to an evaluation site to make a hands-on evaluation of TrackerSuite.Net for their needs.

Manage project budgets

Online Contract Forms

Manage project budgets

Track Upcoming, Due and Overdue Contracts.

Manage project budgets

Online Contract Forms