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Contractor Timesheets

TrackerSuite.Net offers timesheets for time reporting by contractors that are superior to spreadsheets.

Contractor timesheets, managed with TrackerSuite.Net, offer advantages in workflow, accounting and security.

Contractor timesheets, mismanaged, can lead to project delays due to work stoppage, lost possibilities for capitalizing work, or even potential breach of contract disputes.

Organizations typically rely on spreadsheets to manage the time reporting of contractors. However, using spreadsheets for this process has inherent weaknesses, including delays due to late reporting, improper formatting and delayed or mistaken approval routing.

TrackerSuite.Net offers a Web timesheet solution, Time Tracker.Net, that is easily adopted by users, that automates and streamlines the entire time reporting process, from the creation of a timesheet to its final processing. As well as serving the organization's internal workforce, it can easily be extended to temporary contract workers as well.

We need / are concerned that... How TrackerSuite.Net resolves this issue:

We want to verify the work that the contractor has invoiced us for.

Time Tracker.Net enforces validation rules, including minimum/maximum hours per week and work descriptions, requiring contractors to meet these requirements before their timesheet can be submitted. In addition, an activity log captures all edits and approvals, creating a trail of responsibility.

Time Tracker.Net archives processed timesheets, providing organizations with easy, instant access to processed timesheets for comparison against received invoices.

Our approval cycle is taking too long for various reasons: contractors are irregular in reporting time, timesheets are sometimes lost or misfiled during approval routing, or sometimes the approvers are just taking too long to review them.

Time Tracker.Net emails "Auto Nag" reminders to users for late timesheets, with a link that puts them one click away from their responsibility.

On submission, a timesheet is automatically routed through the approval process. A copy is alsoembedded in an email sent to the designated approver, who can click links in the email to approve or disapprove the item.

We need system that contractors can adopt quickly, that's easy to use but ties their work to specific projects and tasks.

The Web timesheets provided by Time Tracker.Net present users with drop-down field boxes populated with the projects and tasks they are assigned to, allowing them to quickly and easily report their work. Users may also copy their previously submitted timesheet, or populate it with the tasks they've been assigned to, with the click of a button.

Depending on the work, or the agency we're working with, contractors are reporting time on a weekly or monthly basis.

Time Tracker.Net provides different formats, including Weekly, Bi-Monthly and Monthly formats, as well as a Time In/ Time Out format.

We want to make sure we are capturing any capitalizable labor from contractors, such as those working on internal software development projects.

Using Time Tracker.Net and Project Tracker.Net, an online project management system, account codes are tied to tasks.