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Task Dashboards

Task dashboards provided by Project Tracker.Net, an online project management system, make it simple for managers and executives to review the workloads of users. Color coding of project and task status can be enabled, providing managers an at-a-glance view of the health of initiatives.

These views are highly configurable. Managers can easily categorize and group tasks by Project, Assignee and Assignee Manager, as well as adding and removing columns, or moving them.

To drill into projects or tasks for more detail, the user simply has to click the link on the dashboard to open the definition document for the task or project.

The view is also interactive, allowing users to drag-and-drop column as well as edit data directly, such as assignees and due dates.

After reconfiguring the dashboard, the user can save it as a private view for later use. It may also be emailed to other users as an on-the-fly project newsletter, or exported as a PDF for use as a printed report.

As well as these dashboards, Project Tracker.Net also provides task calendars, views of project health, risks, resource availability and more.

Color coded task view