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Online Purchase Orders

Online purchase order forms provided by Purchase Tracker.Net, an easy to use Web based purchase order management system, provides forms which users can generate and submit from any location.

Purchase Tracker.Net offers a domestic purchase request form (shown here) as well as an international form which supports multiple currencies and conversion rates. Purchase Tracker.Net can serve as a single, online purchase order system for organizations with international operations.

Purchase Tracker.Net includes a vendor database. This allows purchasing departments to manage a pool of approved vendors, keep vendor information correct and consistent, and allows users to populate the vendor fields with a few mouse-clicks.

Purchases can be charged against projects, account codes cost centers. This application also supports charge backs between business units.

Before approving the PO, the reviewer can check the financial status of a project by clicking the "Budget" link in the General Ledger section of the form, which opens a Cost Report by Account Code.

Once submitted, the PO is automatically routed for approval, based on designated approvers and spending limits. An activity log records all actions taken on the purchase order with time/date stamped electronic signatures.

If the purchase order needs to be updated after it has already been approved, a change order can be created. The change order retains a copy of the original purchase order for reference.

In conjunction with other TrackerSuite.Net modules, this application serves as part of a virtual office for all users, allowing them to participate in the requisition process from any location over the Web or through email.

Web based forms for purchase requests.