SLA Management
SLA management for IT services is simplified by Support Tracker.Net, a Web based help desk.
A Service Level Agreement (SLA) is a service contract established between the client and the service provider (which maybe external to the client organization, or a separate, internal business unit) that dictates the performance or delivery schedule of the services to be provided.
Depending on the nature of the service provided to the client, SLAs can take on numerous forms. Support Tracker.Net, a Web based help desk, facilitates the management of IT Service Level Agreements.
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The typical hurdles facing SLA compliance with IT services include:
- Simplifying support issue reporting and ticket creation for the client.
- Appropriate prioritizing and response to those support requests, within agreed delivery times, in compliance with the SLA.
- Providing visibility into the support process, and delivering performance metrics to demonstrate the value of the services provided.
Support Tracker mitigates these hurdles, simplifying issue reporting for the customers, automating the handling of support tickets in compliance with established SLA agreements, and providing views and reports illustrating the key performance metrics of the help desk with Service Level Agreements.
Simplifying Ticket Creation
TrackerSuite.Net provides several avenues for clients to report issues. Support tickets can be easily created and submitted via the Web, using online forms with picklists. These forms include areas for the attachment of files such as screenshots or error logs, to aid in reporting.
Clients can also send an email describing the issue to a designated support address configured in Support Tracker.Net. Emails sent to this particular address are automatically converted into tickets and routed appropriately.
Managing Tickets
Support Tracker.Net offers a configurable support matrix which can be mapped in compliance with Service Level Agreements, using categories, request types and priorities. Support tickets are automatically routed based on the configuration.
Support personnel are automatically notified via email of ticket assignments, with a link that puts them one click away from their responsibility. IT managers can track the status and progress on tickets within the system using color coded ticket dashboards. If necessary, tickets may be escalated for more immediate attention.
Improving Visibility
Support Tracker.Net pushes data to a powerful, Web based reporting engine, the Tracker Data Warehouse, which generates reports on support service performance and results, helping IT service organizations track and demonstrate their compliance with Service Level Agreements with reports including Open/Closed/Escalated Tickets, Ticket Pies, Help Desk Trends and more.
For More Information
For more information on how TrackerSuite.Net can simplify SLA management, please contact Automation Centre today at (520) 882-9287, or email Info@Acentre.com. A free demo of TrackerSuite.Net is available, register today for immediate access.