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Simplify Your Purchase Order Cycle Management

Purchase order cycle management software from Automation Centre automates, streamlines and secures this process.

The procurement process contains several steps: the creation of a request, its approval, management of the approved request and finally its reconcilliation, which includes the reception of the product or service procured, and vendor payment.

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Eliminating Procurement Issues

The issues that organizations often face within the procurement cycle include:

  • Difficulties in the request process itself, such as an informal process which is hard to track and does not lend itself to reporting, or a request process that is complicated, leading to delays in filing or sometimes the need to re-file after correcting form errors.
  • Difficulties in the approval cycle, in terms of workflow and / or security.
    • A slow approval process - a typical problem of paper-based processes, that prevents needed items from being procured in a timely fashion.
    • A process that lacks flexibility, that can be thrown off with the absence of a designated approver, triggering delays.
    • Security concerns, ensuring that every approved PO that arrives for processing has been properly approved, with a trail of responsibility.
  • For organizations relying on a paper based process, filing can be difficult, creating difficulties in retrieving information or developing meaningful reports.

TrackerSuite.Net is an integrated suite of Web based business applications, including Purchase Tracker.Net. Utilizing this module, organizations can automate, streamline and secure their management of the procurement process over the Web.

How TrackerSuite.Net Simplifies and Streamlines Procurement

Following is an overview of how TrackerSuite.Net facilitates each step of purchasing.

Step #1: Submitting Purchase Requests

From the start of the cycle, TrackerSuite.Net simplifies the request process with Web based PO forms that are comprehensive, but easy to complete. Validation rules ensure that the form is filled out completely before it can be submitted for review. Users are not limited as they are in paper based processes, they can submit the PO form from any location via their browser or even within their email client. TrackerSuite.Net supports the localization of POs, including dates and numbers.

Step #2: Approving Purchase Orders

TrackerSuite.Net provides features that streamline and secure the approval phase of the purchase order life cycle. First, purchases are automatically routed based on designated approvers, spending limits and department rules. Second, an activity log captures time and date-stamped electronic signatures of all parties that interact with the form, from creation, through approval and final processing. Even after the PO has been processed, Purchase Tracker.Net provides a change order function for the secure editing of forms.

Step #3: Managing Purchase Orders

TrackerSuite.Net provides an array of views and tools for tracking and managing POs in the system, including dashboard views and intuitive In Box/ Out Boxes for Accounting to managing approved purchase orders. Purchase Tracker.Net also provides an "Aging" column in Accounting views that show how long purchase have been in the system.

Step #4: Reconciliation

Using Purchase Tracker.Net, organizations can simplify the vendor payment step of the process. It also integrates with a Web based reporting engine, the Tracker Data Warehouse, generating reports including Purchase Lists, Requested/ Ordered/ Paid Amount, and of purchases submitted, ordered, received and paid for by vendor, requester, department, cost center or project. Through Crystal Reports, Purchase Tracker.Net produces reports including Accounting Details, PO Details and Vendor Statements.

For More Information about Tracker

For more information about TrackerSuite.Net and its ability to facilitate procurement, please contact Automation Centre today at (520) 882-9287, or email

Automation Centre is also pleased to offer a free demo of TrackerSuite.Net, which includes its applications for project management, time and expense reporting, payment requests, personnel management, support services and more. Interested parties may register for immediate access to an evaluation site to make a hands-on evaluation of TrackerSuite.Net for their needs.

Web based PO form

Easy to Use Web PO Forms

PO approval routing

Automated PO Routing

PO activity log

Automated Approval Routing, with Support for Multiple Workflows

PO administration dashboard

Dashboards for Tracking and Managing POs

Vendor payment form

Simplifying Vendor Payment